Appel de conférences – « Radio and the Sound of Modernism » – 1er octobre 2020

Appel de conférences pour le colloque virtuel, « Radio and the Sound of Modernism », 10 novembre 2020.

« The early years of radio broadcasting coincide with a high point for aesthetic modernism in literature, film and music: this conference explores how the radio has served as both its medium and muse. Having once been considered a ‘forgotten medium’, as Edward Pease and Everette Dennis put it (Pease and Dennis, 1995), the intervening twenty-five years have witnessed a resurgence of interest in the radio, particularly in the emerging disciplines of radio studies and sound studies. In musicology, too, the radio has been examined as an institutional setting for the experimentation of, for example, the BBC Radiophonic Workshop (Niebur, 2010) and composers of elektronische Musik at the Westdeutscher Rundfunk (Iverson, 2019). Taking radio as a focus for the study of musical modernism allows several different contemporary methodologies to be brought into conversation, from science and technology studies and actor-network theory to recent theorizations of “vernacular” or “popular” modernisms (Lacey, 2018; Nemmers, 2017) and sound studies’ concern for the political valences of listening (Radano and Olaniyan, 2016). »

Date limite de soumission : 1er octobre 2020.

Pour plus de détails, voir l’appel en ligne.

ISSN : 2368-7061
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