Web – « ResearchWorks. Next steps in Scarlatti Research »

Conférence « ResearchWorks. Next steps in Scarlatti Research », 27 février 2023, avec Barry Ife, Jérémie Lumbroso, Jasper van der Klis et Luisa Morales, disponible en ligne.

« Scarlatti is one of the most important – and enduringly popular – composers of the eighteenth century and one of the least well understood. The main reason for his marginal status in music history is the almost complete absence of information about his life and career, especially the nearly 40 years he spent in Portugal and Spain. All the more reason to make better use of the huge evidence base that does survive: the 3000 or so eighteenth-century manuscript and printed copies of his keyboard sonatas. This paper reports on the first comprehensive study of this daunting resource. »

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ISSN : 2368-7061
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