Appel de conférences – « Rocky Mountain AMS Chapter Meeting » – 18 janvier 2023

Appel de conférences pour le « Rocky Mountain AMS Chapter Meeting », Utah State University, 31 mars-1er avril 2023.

« The conference will be hosted by Utah State University, and current plans are for a fully in-person event. The Chapter will meet jointly with the Southwest Chapter of the Society for Ethnomusicology and the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the Society for Music Theory (collectively as the Rocky Mountain Music Scholars Conference). We are also pleased to announce that Dr. Jake Johnson of Oklahoma City University will deliver a keynote.

The Program Committee invites proposals for individual papers (20-minute limit), sessions of three or four papers on a single topic (20-minute limit per paper), or roundtable discussions on musicological topics.

  • Individual papers: Please submit by email (in a single Word or PDF attachment) a title and abstract of 250 words or less. Please do not include the name or affiliation of the presenter in the attachment.
  • Sessions on a single topic: Please submit by email from a single sender all the abstracts for the session (individually titled, 250 words or less per abstract, no names or affiliations, Word or PDF attachments).
  • Roundtable discussions: Please submit by email (in a single Word or PDF attachment) a title for the session and an abstract of 450 words or less (no names or affiliations, Word or PDF attachment).

For all submissions, please include in the body of the email only the name(s) of the presenter(s), along with institutional affiliation(s), if applicable. For sessions on a single topic, please also include the proposed session title in the body of the email only. Conference papers will be chosen by the selection committee through a blind-review process. According to chapter bylaws, any paper submitted by an undergraduate or a master’s student must be accompanied by a faculty letter of endorsement. (This will not be shared with the selection committee.) A prize for the best student paper will be announced at the end of the conference. »

Date limite de soumission (extension) : 18 janvier 2023, par courriel à Christopher M. Scheer (rockymountain.ams -at-

ISSN : 2368-7061
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