Appel de conférences – « Listening to today’s music » – 15 janvier 2023

Appel de conférences pour le colloque « Listening to today’s music » (NOVA Contemporary Music Meeting 2023), Lisbonne, 3-5 mai 2023.

« From the concert hall to the museum, from the street to private spaces, from live contexts to listening to recordings, from television to streaming systems, listening to music is today a subject that deserves our attention.

Despite the multiplicity of musical genres and the plurality of sound art practices, to discuss listening to music is essential since sound, music and noise are all around us, define our environment, and impact on our daily life. The 2020 UNESCO resolution said that music “helps to develop cognitive performance […] boosts learning and memorization capacity, and contributes to the acquisition of other skills”. Listeners today face a turbulent sonic ecosystem: today’s music practices can be challenging, the musical landscape is saturated with many different streams and listening possibilities.

To consider today’s musical listening opens up the discussion towards new media, the context, the different musical genres and aesthetics, but also to social and political issues, environmental concerns, and cognitive abilities. »

Date limite de soumission : 15 janvier 2023.

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici.

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