Appel de conférences – « 48th Sewanee Medieval Colloquium » – 1er novembre 2022

Appel de conférences pour le « 48th Sewanee Medieval Colloquium », en ligne, 24-25 mars 2023

« There are three ways to participate in the conference. Participants may choose to 1) propose a thread (like the examples above) and organize panels based on papers submitted to that thread, 2) propose a complete panel of 3 pre-selected papers around a set theme, or 3) submit an individual paper to either a proposed thread or to the general call. 

One of the unique elements of the Colloquium is its use of a respondent-format. Papers for each panel are pre-circulated to a selected respondent 1 month before the conference meeting. The respondent takes this time to read each paper and create a response that addresses the individual papers and poses questions for the panelists. This guarantees that each presenter has the opportunity for an established scholar to engage with their work, and the responses set the initial terms for the questions and conversation at the end of each panel.

Commenters are generally established figures in the field with a significant record of publication; participants in the Colloquium are generally limited to holders of a Ph.D. and those currently in a Ph.D. program. »

Date limite de soumission : 1er novembre 2022

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