Financement – Bourse de maîtrise (BELEM) – 18 avril 2022

Appel à candidatures pour une bourse de recherche pour un.e étudiant.e de maîtrise, dans le cadre du projet « The Musical Manuscripts from the Monastery of Belém. The Exploration of an Unknown Hieronymite Tradition »

« The project BELEM will solely take place in Portugal (Lisbon). The research fellow will index a choir book from the monastery of Belém. The indexing will be done in the Portuguese Early Music database linked to the international Cantus Index database, and consists of copying the texts the chants copied in the manuscript, as well as entering some musical information (such as the genre of the chant and its modality), altogether with the ID number generated by the Cantus Index database; he/she will also actively participate in other activities of CESEM.

The research fellowship’s duration is 6 months and is non-renewable. The expected starting date is 1st July 2022.

Researcher Profiles : Being preparing the diploma of Master in Musicology or equivalent in September 2022. »

Date limite de soumission : 18 avril 2022. 

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