Appel de conférences – «Watershed Festival of Music Theatre» – 1er mars 2022

Appel de conférence pour le symposium « Watershed Festival of Music Theatre », Queen’s University, 24-29 mai 2022

« We are interested in dissolving disciplinary, subdisciplinary, and academic/professional boundaries and forming new circles of conversation around the possibilities for music and theatre to speak truth, connect communities, and tell new stories. Acknowledging the fraught colonial legacies of opera and musical theatre vis-à-vis the stories they have told and the practices they have adopted, we are interested in inviting new voices into conversation with one another through a shared interest in music, theatre, and story. We invite practitioners, actors, singers, dancers, fans, academics, technicians, designers, directors, and any others invested in the many branches of this art form to join us to explore the following questions : What brilliant genre-defying work is being done in music theatre, and what is at stake in this work ? How might widening or re-organizing our circles of conversation change our practices and field for the better ? »

Date limite de soumission : 1er mars 2022

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici

ISSN : 2368-7061
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