Formation – CMS Committee on Cultural Inclusion Workshop – 12 décembre 2021

Workshop de la CMS Committee on Cultural Inclusion sur le thème « Decentering Western Classical Music. Radical Curricular Redesign for the Musicology Classroom », en ligne, 12 décembre 2021

« ‍Unlike most CMS workshops, which typically feature colleagues from a cross section of our organization’s disciplines and institutions, this interactive event will focus on a single institution’s process of changing a single discipline. The four-member musicology faculty of the Lawrence University Conservatory of Music (Appleton, WI) will share a case study of the redesign, approval, and implementation of its core musicology coursework. In early 2017, the Lawrence faculty decided it was no longer comfortable sending a message that a history of Western classical music is core to an undergraduate music education—what should be “learned” before anything else and thus more important than anything else. Colleagues discussed how they might, to use the words of Alejandro Madrid in his 2017 article “Diversity, Tokenism, Non-Canonical Musics, and the Crisis of the Humanities in U.S. Academia,” confront the discipline as “an arm of colonialist and imperialist projects” (125). The Lawrence musicology faculty decided to work for deep structural change, to start from scratch, and ask, what should be core musicology for an undergraduate music major in the conservatory ? »

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