Appel de conférences – « Early Music Pedagogy Then and Now. From the Classical Antiquity to the Renaissance » – 27 mars 2022

Appel de conférences pour le symposium « Early Music Pedagogy Then and Now. From the Classical Antiquity to the Renaissance », Istituto Italiano di Musica Antica, 9-11 décembre 2022

« In the past few decades, scholars have increasingly shown an interest in investigating historical sources in relation to music teaching, exploring new ground for an extended discussion on teaching practices of the past. Similarly, the early music education of today is fostering a fruitful dialogue within the scholarly community. Within this strand of research, a central role is played by the re-evaluation of mnemonics, the reconsideration of theoretical sources, composition and analysis of music notation as descriptive and non-prescriptive elements. »

Date limite de soumission :  27 mars 2022

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