Appel à contributions – « The MEI Digital Pedagogy Interest Group » – 10 janvier 2022

Appel à contributions pour une nouvelle ressource en ligne du MEI Digital Pedagogy Interest Group, 10 janvier 2022

« The MEI Digital Pedagogy Interest Group invites proposals for an online, open-access, peer-reviewed resource showcasing pedagogical use cases of MEI and music encoding more generally. We seek “music encoding” initiatives across the full spectrum of instruction in archives, library work, and music studies to demonstrate how we teach music encoding, how it can be used to help us answer specific research questions, and how to make it more accessible to students and instructors. We are interested in contributions that include, but are not limited to, lesson plans, instructional materials, short essays, tutorials, and examples drawn from existing projects.

‘The Music Encoding Initiative (MEI) is a community-driven, open-source effort to define a system for encoding musical documents in a machine-readable structure. MEI brings together specialists from various music research communities, including technologists, librarians, historians, and theorists in a common effort to define best practices for representing a broad range of musical documents and structures’. »

Date limite de soumission : 10 janvier 2022

Pour plus de détails : cliquez ici

ISSN : 2368-7061
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